What the world needs is less angst & more action.

But, sometimes, taking action is hard, and it’s easy to feel like you’re not making a difference. Answer six simple questions, and We’ll send you a customized strategy to overcome your productivity blocks and start taking action now.

Take the Quiz


We believe that each of us has the potential to create the change we want to see in the world. But too often we get stuck feeling like we can’t. I want to change that.

The world needs people like you. People gifted with compassion and a desire to make a difference. People who see a problem and look for a solution.

And you need people like us. Someone who’ll not only help you find the confidence to step up and make that difference but also support you as you create a life you love.


“Working with Plant Vent is one of the best decisions I have made. I wasn’t even sure what my questions were in the beginning and she skillfully helped me find the steps that were the most effective in reaching my goals.”

Debby Potts

What are you struggling with?

In my experience, enthusiastic aspirational world-changers
(like you) get stuck in one or all of the following dilemmas.

You know you have a difference to make. But, you’re so overwhelmed by day-to-day life that you don’t have a moment to figure it out.

You have a great idea, but it hasn’t gotten much further than that. The options seem endless and you just can’t seem to get started.

You know you have a difference to make. But, you’re so overwhelmed by day-to-day life that you don’t have a moment to figure it out.

Special Bonuses for Coaching Clients

In addition to the coaching package of your choice, all clients get these additional benefits:

  • A questionnaire and workbook. These comprehensive tools will help provide clarity on where you're at, where you want to go, and what to prioritize in our time together..  
  • Weekly co-working sessions. A set one-hour period when you can show up for the whole time, or just drop in when it's convenient. During the co-working sessions, you'll be able to spend some quality time with your budget, ask us questions and learn tips and tricks to make your budgeting process easier and more fun. 
  • A private weekly review of your budget. We will peek in on your budget and record a short video answering your questions, helping solve any issues, and identifying things to focus on each week in between our sessions. 
  • Two free months. This is on top of the 34-day free trial (as long as you haven't received this benefit before.

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